Councillor Robert Kok

Councillor Robert Kok

Councillor Robert Kok is a practising lawyer, four-term City Councillor and advocate for Sydney’s multicultural communities.

Currently in Council he is the Deputy Chair of the Cultural and Community Committee and the Economic Development and Business sub-Committee.

Robert was first elected to Council in 2008 and served as Deputy Lord Mayor from 2011-2012. He was re-elected to Council in 2012 and 2016. He has previously deputy chaired the Corporate Finance and Tenders Committee, the Major Development Committee and a member of the Central Sydney Planning Committee.

Robert has chaired the City’s Chinese New Year Festival Advisory Panel. Sydney’s Chinese New Year Festival, which has now been re-introduced as Sydney Lunar Festival is the single most important event for the Asian community and has grown to be the largest of its kind outside of Asia.

Robert is Malaysian born with Chinese heritage and migrated from Malaysia 30 years ago. Known for his strong understanding of Asian culture, as well as the City’s diverse Asian communities, he is a passionate advocated for cross-cultural awareness. He is committed to further strengthening the vibrant relationship between the City and its Asian communities, locally, nationally and internationally.

Robert is particularly interested in international relations, cultural exchange, business innovation, education and urban planning. His support for the Haymarket has assisted in revitalising this historic area as a world-renowned attraction and business hub.

Robert is an alumnus of Macquarie University and Bond University, as well as Asialink. He is also a Governor of WWF-Australia.

You can follow Cr Kok on Weibo.

Find out more about Robert in the video below:

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