Our new City budget
The City of Sydney will invest over $750 million in the next financial year as a changed but reinvigorated Sydney continues to adapt to and recover from the impacts of the pandemic.
In 2023/24, much of Council’s $550 million operating expenditure will be used to support local businesses and deliver capital works projects, as well as maintain community facilities, parks and open spaces while delivering quality road maintenance and waste collection serviced.
The draft budget has been endorsed unanimously for public exhibition and feedback.
Just over $200 million is earmarked for capital works projects this coming year, split between new projects and renewing existing amenities including:
- $22.5 million for bike paths and cycling infrastructure, including the Oxford Street bike path.
- $17.8 million for community, cultural and recreational centres, including Huntley Street and Alexandria indoor courts.
- $34.3 million for public domain work, with $8 million for the final stages of the George Street pedestrianisation and $6.9 million for the Crown Street upgrade
- $5.3 million for continued street tree and in-road planting programs and
- $23.3 million for new parks and upgrades including stage two of Gunyama Park, including park amenities, a playground, skate bowl and play areas, seating, lighting, paths, tree planting and landscaping, and George Julius Avenue north.
- $1.6 million to waive all al fresco outdoor dining fees for another year
- $3.8 million in subsidies to make rates free for pensioners in the City
In addition to allocating money for the coming year, the budget also includes financing for multi-year community and cultural projects, including:
- $7.7 million for the highly anticipated upgrade to Pyrmont Community Centre.
- $8.8 million for the fit-out of the exciting George Street innovation hub, which sees three levels of floor space dedicated to tech and innovation at the stunning 180 George Street and
- $5.5 million for improvements to Dixon Street, part of broader upgrade plans for Chinatown.
The 2023/24 budget is on public exhibition until 12 June, after which it will be considered by Council for final adoption. For more information or to comment, visit sydneyyoursay.com.au