- The City campaign not to be forcibly amalgamated again, this time into a mega-Council with surrounding areas, was successful.
- New draft planning controls for Central Sydney endorsed by Council - will unlock 2.9 million square metres of floorspace without impacting on public places that could provide for 100,000 new jobs and 10,000 new dwellings.
- The City’s social sustainability policy – “A City for All” - endorsed by Council.
- Open Space, Sport and Recreation Plan endorsed by Council which will guide park and sporting upgrades and new open space over the next 15 years.
- Wulaba Park at Green Square opened.
- Environmental Action Plan 2016–2021 adopted, building on our achievements with ambitious targets over the next five years.
- Trigeneration plant installed at Town Hall House powering, heating and cooling Town Hall House and Sydney Town Hall to cut emissions by more than 40,000 tonnes over 30-year lifetime.
- Over 20 City properties made available free to students for music rehearsals.
- A new East Sydney Early Childhood Centre in a stunning converted factory building opened and Juanita Nielsen Community Centre in Woolloomooloo, completely refurbished.